Integrated Solutions for #WFH

Now that the initial smoke has cleared a bit on the COVID-19 situation, the time seems right to think ahead when it comes to “Working from Home”.

We have seen all the “ad hoc”, almost panic-like, trials and errors on facilitating our employees to enable them to stay somehow productive. I believe it is chaos out there. The list of communication and collaboration tools is endless. And, some truly relevant ingredients are totally lacking; integration, security and governance. A lot of these tools could be set up for integration (through API’s for example) but that requires time and expertise. On the security and governance level I seriously have my doubts on most of them. Mainly because they are more “consumer based” than “enterprise grade”.

I have been “preaching” Office 365/Microsoft 365 for years now, and of the last 2 years or so, focused a lot on security and governance. Integration, security and governance is right there, out of the box, Built-in instead of Bolt-on. We should be starting to deploy that in a controlled environment, enabling our workforces to work from home effectively, safely and secure. While the Organization stays in control. It may take a couple of weeks to get it up and running, true. But if we don’t, the chaos and spaghetti that is being created right now, will only become bigger and bigger. No control, bad actors out there, no clue on who is doing what and how and where and when.

We should not forget that most organizations have their Line of Business applications and their File repositories in their local Data Centers without having proper remote access facilities configured. There are plenty of solutions out there to enable access to those resources remotely. We need to look at short term solutions and plan for long term solutions in parallel. The times of “ad hoc” and “panic” are over.

Now is the time to sit down and make a plan that enables Organizations and individuals to achieve more, even in these weird times.

Public Speaking: Who is Listening for you?

Public Speaking ranks high in the Top-5 of what people are most afraid of. And, yes, it can be frightening, standing in front of room filled with strangers who seem to see straight through you, naked, vulnerable and all alone.

There are plenty of Trainings and Courses available to improve on your Presentation skills. It’s kind of an individual thing which courses suit you best but with some trial and error you will something that works great for you. And even then, you should have this rush when walking up front, I prefer to call it “excited” as opposed to “nervous”. It’s about the same physical sensation. If that is not there when you go on stage, your presentation will probably end up being a flatliner, no impact. The most important prerequisite of course is, that you want to be there on stage. Second to that, be prepared like really, be grounded in your story.

Most of the Trainings and Courses on Presentation Skills lack the following concept/idea that I picked up during my years of Training with Landmark Education: Having at least one “committed listener” in the room makes a huge difference for you, the presenter. Somebody who listens for you, an anchor, somebody who takes everything that comes out of your mouth for gold. In larger rooms you preferably have multiple “committed listeners” spread out in the room, sitting amongst the audience, your customers. They should nod, smile, acknowledge and appreciate your story (no matter how many times they heard it) and confirm that back to you and to their neighbors, your customers. You should even appoint one of those somebodies as your “room captain“, one who knows your timeline (and the breaks!), one who can manage questions coming from your audience, one who knows your story, just so that you can focus 100% on your story.

When you are presenting, it is very likely that you have at least one of your colleagues present, or maybe another presenter at the same event. Don’t be shy and make them the request they fulfill that role for you. To put it a bit sharper: do not allow “your people” to sit in the back of the room doing other stuff. If they don’t make the effort to really listen for you, what is the effect on the rest of the audience, your customers?

Yes, it is a scary thing getting up on stage, I invite you to try this out a couple of times, I am sure it will make a huge difference.


Security: get the whole deal

By now we all know Microsoft has become a “Security Company”. Their current portfolio on Security, Compliance and Governance is unmatched. By now most Organizations realize their Security posture is not what it should be. Not to mention their Compliance and Governance posture.

Plenty of Office 365 customers come to me for a Solution for a specific issue they encounter. Ransomware, spoofing, account breaches, compliance requirements, you name it. They perform some searches on the Internet and find an Add-On Subscription to remediate their issue. That is reactive. Out of my experience I know for sure they’ll be back before long with another issue and another Add-On to remediate. Reactive once more.

Let’s stop doing that. Let’s start being pro-active. Digital transformation is nothing more than “loosing old habits and creating new habits”. How do we get there? Not by enumerating factsheets of the capabilities of the products. We get there by showing Business Decision Makers what the threats are from the Business and User perspective. Then we show them how to remediate those threats and what that looks like from the Business and User perspective. Loved by Users, trusted by IT. Pro-active. Let the always present Mr. Murphy die a slow but certain death.

Having these presentations and conversations with customers creates instant transformation: Value is more relevant than Cost. So, we can stop talking about Add-Ons and we can start talking about the complete packages. They bring Value.

Oops, is this a Sales pitch?

Happy protecting!


Training means Train!

Digital Transformation, Adoption, learning methods, Adoption Specialists, Onboarding specialists, migration specialists. We can do it cheap and fast. Ouch. There is no cheap and fast when looking at Value.

We, as in the “communities”, are making mistakes. We must distinguish between knowing how to do something and understanding why it must be done in a certain way. Sometimes knowing the how-to is good enough. But when we look at Digital Transformation and Adoption, the real Value comes from a thorough understanding by all involved on the WHY.

Why is a business process structured like it is? Understanding that, and only then, we can find new ways of getting the same results by effectively using the right tools in the right way. Efficiency is about “Doing things the right way”. Effectiveness Is about “Doing the right things”.

Basically, we need to do 2 things during the Journey of Adoption/Digital Transformation:

  1. Inclusion. From C-level Management to frontline workers, all need to be involved. Involved, get that?
  2. Training. It means Train!

Training is not the same as watching a “how-do-I-….” video on YouTube or attending a Webinar/Seminar. Training means practice, repetition, endurance, discipline, making mistakes, learning to understand why it is as it is. Training is an action, one needs to allocate time for it. Results will take a while.

A year ago, I bought myself a new Rickenbacker bass-guitar. I dream of being on stage, playing like Paul Grey or Bruce Foxton. Keep on dreaming, I pick up the instrument no more than 30 minutes a week. It makes no sense to go to the gym for 8 hours straight. When you look in the mirror the next day, you’ll see no difference.

As a Microsoft Certified Trainer, I tell my students that the Labs are not about getting them done successfully. The Labs are about spending time, practicing, learning to understand the why of the technology. The students train!

A new insight is not good enough if you do not practice the actions that come out of the new insight. The insight gives a moment of “aha”. After practicing it becomes obvious. You cannot learn how to ride a bicycle from a book.


Just saying: don’t go for cheap and fast! No such thing……


Happy Training!




VDI – Will it ever end?

There is a lot of buzz about Microsoft’s Windows Virtual Desktop, a VDI Solution running on Azure. Let me tell you this: VDI should not be around anymore, it should be buried, and the epitaph should read something like “Promising but never delivered”.

It’s not that I see no use cases for VDI Solutions, unfortunately we, as an IT Community, have allowed those use cases to still be out there. In 2007 I joined Qwise, a major multiple award-winning Citrix Partner in The Netherlands. I was a stranger there, I do Microsoft only. And seeing all the struggling, the complexity, the money absorbing craziness of all those efforts to give users access to their applications, it made me wonder if there was no better solution. And there was, and that solution is a valid one still in 2018. And I even think that a lot of people would agree me with me, and, we did nothing about it.

Already back then, in 2007, web applications were mature enough to regard them as a serious solution for the growing complexity of managing and maintaining the application landscape, both on local desktops and centralized desktops. My “SBC/VDI” colleagues agreed, but, they argued, we must also support the legacy and the traditional client-server applications. And now, almost 12 years later, I still hear that same argument. And so, we still need desktops and full-blown operating systems. To run legacy applications. And we did nothing about it, no vision, no strategy. Software vendors, software buyers, consultants.

Of course, that is not completely true, I really love the Office WebApps and plenty of legacy apps are now WebApps. They offer a good portion of functionality for most users. But still, the battle on the VDI market continues, where we now do “serverless” in the cloud, doing “who needs a server OS”. We are afraid Windows7 becomes the new Windows XP but Microsoft’s WVD allows for Windows7, even offering 2 years of extended support. Allowing us all to not move forward. Keeping the 2007 eco-system alive, making some bucks. But keep in mind, we are probably end customers of our professional customers so who are we kidding?

Just saying……

End the Paper Trail

One of my LinkedIn Connections, an old high school friend, works for one of the largest printer manufacturers in the world. And she posts quite frequently on the developments going on in that space. Those developments are great looking at it from a purely technical perspective. We can print from mobile devices, print from the Cloud, print from space, in full color, double sided, in bulk, parallel, secure, fast, reliable.

In 1989 I started my own little accountant business, doing the bookkeeping for some small entrepreneurs. On a PC. Paperless. I used a black and white hand scanner to scan the invoices, receipts and bank statements, and then gave the shoebox back to my customer. Yes, I had some trouble with Tax authorities, it took them some 15 years to allow me to digitally do my stuff. In 1993 I worked for a company that printed some 250,000 invoices yearly, five-fold. One for the Customer and 4 for internal usage. It took me a year to go back to just printing one for the Customer and one for internal/external compliance (if someone needed a copy they could just print that 1 copy).

Yesterday my LinkedIn Connection posted something that really got my attention: “Enterprises spend 3% of their gross margin on printing”.

So, in the age of Digital Transformation, we spend 3% of our margins on un-digitalizing the digitalized?

That is a gigantic amount of money. Probably a substantial portion of that output will be scanned on the receiving side to digitalize it again and then ends up in the shredder. Not to mention the enormous impact this has on the environment.

Wouldn’t it be a quick and very big WIN to include “End the paper Trail, Go Paperless” in every conversation we have on Digital Transformation? Law makers, Compliance Officers, Marketeers, please come into the 21st Century, you’re welcome here.

Paper is just so B.G. (Before Google)

Some Email Etiquette, maybe I can start liking email again?

We need agreement on an “email etiquette” document, so we can hold each other accountable. Without agreement nobody is accountable. And that just doesn’t work. Here are some thoughts of what should be in such a document.

Email has a couple of drawbacks in modern organizations. A lot of corporate information sits isolated in user mailboxes and is not accessible for the organization. The speed at which we currently work, dropping emails all day, without wondering how it will be received at any point in time by the recipient(s). The push mechanism of email maybe good in some situations, when it comes to sharing information a pull mechanism would be way more effective. The tools are available for that. We just need to be aware of the ineffectiveness of email for the sole purpose of sharing information. People tend to hide behind email, avoiding responsibility. The email is sent, it is of my plate. Disastrous for Organizations. Furthermore, emails are often not written (or read for that matter) with the necessary attention. Resulting in unnecessary back and forth (group) emails.

The primary accountability lies with the sender, including replying, of any email. The sender must be aware of several things when composing a message, filling out the “To” and “CC” fields, including the “Reply/Reply All” button, applying other marks like “High Priority” or “Ask for Read Conformation”, using Distribution Lists and determining the Subject line. While filling out the: “To” and “CC” Fields, so called MailTips can appear. They have an important function. If someone is on vacation maybe it is not such a great idea to send that person this email right now. We all know what our mailboxes look like when we return from vacation. Some common sense in timing is also appreciated by your customers, partners and colleagues. Friday afternoon is not an elegant time to put people to work. It may be nice to have it of your weekly plate, for the organization it doesn’t work. Senders must realize they consume time of the recipients. So far, not even mentioned the content of the body.

Let’s start with the last, the body. The intention of communication must be clear. It starts with relating to the common interest and understanding you and your recipient(s) have. When steps in a process go as expected is there any need to confirm these steps? Maybe only just the last one? Email by exception or of course, when agreed upon or requested. In general, the results of a completed process should be visible in one of the systems we all have access to (pull information).

Most emails are about a request, you want somebody to do something. Be specific and to the point. Can you please do this by then. Maybe you could add you need a confirmation by a specific time. Not by default though. Even on complex matters or questions, the finishing lines of an email contain a request, also as recap. Announcements should not be made over email, we have better platforms for that. Emails are conversations and you always want to forward the conversation. In a reply, just a “no” is not good enough, it does not forward the conversation. No, I cannot do it at the requested time or as requested, but I can do it by then or I can do it like this or let’s ask another colleague to handle it. This applies to Meeting Requests as well. Being specific becomes even more important when emailing to multiple persons. Who is going to do what by when? Make clear who is responsible for what by when. Be to the Point, stick to that Point, be accurate, precise and complete. Make sure the conversation moves forward, the sender is largely responsible for that. Or, the sender can stop the conversation mentioning something like “replies not necessary”.

The Fields of an email: To, CC, Subject. Again, the sender is responsible for avoiding unnecessary emails. The “To” field should only contain those persons to whom you have a request to make. No more. Putting in others for “For your Information” purposes just means you are not relating to the common interest you have with those persons. Try to minimize on the number of persons in the “To” Field, it also has a great impact on the possible mail storm when people start hitting “Reply All”.

The CC field is probably the most outdated option since working with computers. In the type-writer era we made Carbon Copies to file somewhere in a cabinet so one could look them up afterwards. Pull information in the old glory paper days. Folks, in any email application a copy is filed in the Sent Items folder. Absolutely no need to stash that Carbon Copy in other people’s Inboxes too. It’s also kind of degrading the position of the person in the CC Field, ah, well, you’re just not important enough to be in the “To” field, but I think maybe you want to know about this, but please note you’re at the side line so stay out of the conversation. Plenty of people made themselves email rules for incoming emails when they are in the CC Field. Try to eliminate that Field, you know you can hide it in Outlook? Oh, ah, you CC the Manager! Hoping that that will make your request more important for the actual recipients. That is just covering up, clearing yourself from all responsibility if things do not move forward. It’s also damaging the trust relationship you should have with the recipient, you’d better do it, the Manager already knows you should. Keep the managers out of it. When escalating something, the Manager should be in the “To” field. Last thing on the “CC” Field, all recipients in there are included when someone hits “Reply All”. I’m not even going into the BCC Filed, I hope you get that.

The Subject line is the first thing recipients see when they receive an email. So, it better makes sense, right? It creates the listening of and the context for the recipient. People who receive (large amounts of) emails will select the order of opening emails based on what’s in the Subject. Or even apply rules based on the Subject. Recipients expect the body of an email to have something to do with the Subject, use it wisely. If, while moving forward the conversation, the topic changes slightly, you can append something to the Subject of the original thread. Senders should realize that.

Special Markups. Request a Delivery Receipt is an old remnant of the ages when connectivity was unreliable and slow. It only states that the receiving servers have put the email in the appropriate mailbox(es). Don’t use it. Request a Read Receipt. There is a huge difference between opening an email, glancing at it, reading it or acting on it. The Sender will never know which one it is when receiving such a confirmation. So, what’s the point Sender? Wishful thinking that recipients will actually read your message? High Priority. Senders, please be careful here, your High Priority is likely not the High Priority of the recipient(s). What intention does that red flag fulfil in your communication? What is your expectation? Is it in your common interest or just yours?

Finally, we get to the “Send” button. Did you know you can schedule emails? Again, sending out a bunch of requests on Friday afternoon after 4 PM will probably not yield much result. On the contrary, you might spoil the recipients’ weekends. Well done. Effective emailers will not push the send button immediately. Go over your own writing at least once. A good practice is to just close it and re-open it 30 minutes later from your drafts Folder. Read it again, maybe adjust something and then send it out. Do not call or message recipients telling them you are going to send them an email. Do not call or message recipients telling them you have just send them an email. People live in their Inbox, popups, phone notifications, smart watch notification; don’t you think they’ll know?

Receiving and replying to emails. There must be agreement on a timeframe. We reply within 24 hours or something like that. Of course, a reply can also say, I am not able to do that now, but I will take care if it by then. But let the sender know so she or he can forward other relating conversations and actions. A first reaction response is by default a defensive one. That is the nature of people. It also tends to be emotional. We all know this “What!!!??? Reply All, type like crazy, Send!!! Do not hit the “Reply” or “Reply All” button too quickly. Give it 30 minutes or so. When the sender has stated by when an answer is expected you should respect that timeframe. When replying you become a Sender so all the above applies. Forward the conversations, relate to the common interest, be specific in answering the question(s) or following up on the communicated action(s). People tend to use the “Reply All” button automatically. For the Organization or the issue at hand, that is probably not the best option. Take the extra couple of mouse clicks, just hit “Reply” and add just a couple of those from the initial email. Have some consideration and compassion for your recipients. Please note that email is not a suitable medium for discussion. Murphy’s law applies and someone will not reply to the last email in the thread ….. and then there were two. There are better platforms to have discussions. As mentioned before, email should not be used for announcements. But if a sender did that anyway, you should refrain from the “Reply All” button period. A good exercise would be to hide the “Reply All” button for a while, after some time you won’t even miss it. Or you can send emails on which the “Reply All” button becomes greyed out for recipients.

Last but not least, always, always be respectful and polite. Not in the last place because we all know that emails could end up anywhere, in anyone’s mailbox.


  • Announcements should be made on Yammer
  • Discussions belong in Teams
  • Information sits in SharePoint/Teams/CRM/LOB/ERP where it belongs
  • Quick Questions sit in Skype/IM
  • How about picking up the Phone
  • How about walking up to a colleague

So, let’s do ourselves, our colleagues, our customers, our partners a huge favor and take some of these points.

Maybe we can start liking email again, if and when effectively used. Just saying……

Good Fun with Surface Pro3, Nested Hyper-V, Nano Server and Azure Site Recovery

For a Microsoft event on Jamaica I was asked to deliver a session on Azure DR. I believe that seeing is believing so I always tend to use as little slides as possible and just demo the Solution. On a Saturday morning, I started out thinking and drawing out the Infrastructure I would need to pull that off.

I have a SOHO environment, and for Inova Solutions, my employer, I moved everything to the Microsoft Cloud. My Surface Pro3 (i5, 8 GB RAM) will just have to do as my “local datacenter”.

The steps for the Azure Site Recovery are very well explained here including the screenshots so I will not copy that into this blog. For my “Onprem Datacenter I need a Hyper-V machine, well, Windows 10 has Hyper-V. Download the Azure Site Recovery Provider from the Azure Portal and run it. Bummer.

Apparently, the installer does not see Hyper-V on Windows 10 as Valid to install the ASR Provider. I need a Server 2016 or Server 2012R2 Hyper-V. Lucky for me, both Windows10 Hyper-V and Server 2016 Hyper-V support Nested Hyper-V. To enable Nested Hyper-V you need to download and run a PowerShell script called Enable-NestedVm.ps1 from after which you can test by running Get-NestedVirtStatus.ps1 downloaded from the same repository. In the 1st script I had to confirm that I’d be running the Nested Hyper-V Server with less than 4 GB of memory.

My Nested Hyper-V Server running with 3 GB of memory I need to create some seriously small servers. And, another reason for creating small servers is that I want small disks to replicate. Thanks again Server 2016, we now have Nano Server! Here is a Quick Start Guide for Nano Server . In no time, I created 2 Nano Servers, Nano1 and Nano 2, each assigned 128 MB of RAM and a 1 GB OS Disk. I successfully installed the ASR Provider and registered the Nested Hyper-V Server with the downloaded Registration file. Within 5 minutes my Server popped up in the Azure Portal and I could select my Nano1 and Nano2 Server to start replicating. And here they go:

And here they are:

I ran a Test Failover just to see if I could complete the whole exercise within 45 minutes, the length of my presentation. The test failover only took about 2 minutes.

Just to demonstrate that with minimal equipment you can demo an Enterprise grade feature like Azure Site Recovery using some neat Technologies. The first build took a bit longer than 45 minutes to figure it all out. Ran the whole thing 3 times now to get comfortable with it doing it on stage, well within 45 minutes J.


Happy demoing!!!

MCT Adventures

In 1996 I started as a Trainer: end user training in moving form DOS and WordPerfect to Windows95 and Office. During those first years I earned my MCSE on NT4 and as SICA, my employer had the C-TEC status, I was allowed to train the MCSE Tracks. I had a total of 6 Groups for the complete MCSE Track in first NT4, later on Server 2000.

That was Adventure #1. We decided one week before the Track started to do Server 2000 instead of NT4! I was exactly 1 week ahead of my participants! Raising the bar, stretching myself. If you are able to explain stuff to your grandmother you master your stuff. I took each exam one week before my participants….

Unfortunately, SICA (being a non-profit organization) went bankrupt in 2004. Time for me to become a “real” MCT. Adventure #2. The last requirement was to attend a Training led by an official MCT. So I looked around for the cheapest 3-day Course that would meet the requirement and I called that company, Fulcire. The owner/trainer called me back. Yes, you may attend, and even for free, if you allow me to make you a job offer if we like each other after 3 days of Training J. Cool! I got TWO for the price of none! I earned my MCT Status AND got myself a new job! I had a fabulous time there, learning a lot, a lot of new Certifications (Exchange, SharePoint, Server 2003), becoming also a “senior” consultant, doing great migration projects and what have you.

I decided to quit and take a 6 months’ sabbatical and my wife and I shipped our BMW Motorcycles to the US and cruised and camped for half a year. After which came MCT Adventure #3, a new job, Qwise, 100 engineers, Microsoft and Citrix. In the 2nd round of the application I was asked 3 questions by my to-be colleague MCT Remco: “Are you stubborn? Do you ride a motorcycle? Do you play bass guitar?” Yes, yes and yes. “You are hired”. At Qwise I became “Mr. Microsoft”. Going faster with Hyper-V, System Center, BPOS (later Office365) and Azure than the company or our customers could go. Earned some 20 certifications and had at least 4 MCT Adventures.

MCT Adventure #4. Worldwide I was the first to deliver the public Office365 training (Wave14). With a lot of help from Redmond and my colleagues Michael (who I mentored in becoming MCT) and Erik. History is repeating, MCT Adventure #5. Worldwide I was the first to deliver the public Office365 training (Wave15) some 2 years later. How cool was that! In the meantime, I trained the entire Dutch Partner channel in Office365 and delivered a lot of session on behalf of Microsoft. I co-founded the Dutch Office365 User Group (now some 600 members) together with Danny and Albert-Jan.

MCT Adventure #5 and #6. I got nominated twice as Office365 MVP. Unfortunately, I did not get that “reward” but the journey was awesome. And, who knows….

As I move to maybe not so much an MCT Adventure but a more personal one, we moved from Amsterdam to Aruba in The Caribbean! And I found myself a real cool job as a Solutions Architect @ Inova Solutions. Microsoft Partner LSP, CPLS, and since almost a year CSP. I either work from home or I travel The Caribbean, could be worse, no? We also have an office in Ecuador and I am writing this sitting in Quito where I deliver an Azure Training this week, including experiencing some earth quakes!

MCT Adventure #7. Throughout The Caribbean we organize a lot of “Events” for our Customers, sometimes by ourselves, sometimes with Microsoft. I created an “Office365 Theatre Play” to avoid the format of death-by-PowerPoint presentation style. We did performances on Curacao (twice), Jamaica, Trinidad and Aruba (which was a real blast, thanks to my colleague Ad, have a peak at )

Servicing customers in The Caribbean gave me the opportunity to deliver Training (Server 2012, Exchange, SharePoint, Office365, Azure) in the following countries (MCT Adventure #8 through #18):

  • Aruba
  • Curacao
  • Bonaire
  • Trinidad
  • Jamaica
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Turks & Caicos Islands
  • The Bahamas
  • Belize
  • Ecuador
  • Barbados

People tend to say I’m lucky. Well, let me give you all some advice. Luck has nothing to do with it. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Preparation requires passion and sometimes hard work. Look for the opportunities and seize them. I work 70-80 hours a week and I never work. The Training (p)Art is my favorite portion of the job: being able to make a difference for my participants and their employers (and mine) by sharing as much of my knowledge and experience as I can.

Aruba is One Happy Island!

I am One Happy Adventurous Microsoft Certified Trainer!


Be Inspired, Prepared, Able and Willing






Windows Phone Dead because of Lack of Apps – Really?

Yes, I am biased, I am a Microsoftie. That being said, I think it is a pity that people write off Windows Phone, especially if it’s for the wrong, or even non-existent, reason.

My Windows Phone does everything I need it to do and even more. I have my Office365 accounts on it, my Microsoft Band App, my Dash, my music, camera, Twitter, what have you. I’m not here to crunch numbers on how many apps are out there on the different platforms. Although that is the main thing people hold against Windows Phone: there is just not enough apps. Now, I just found a decent article on what we actually DO on our devices using ComScore “The 2015 U.S. Mobile App Report” as a source. The article is in Dutch. Sorry for that, the article came from a Belgian site. But here are some of the numbers.

We spend 89% of our time on a smartphone in apps, 11% goes to the Mobile Web. We spend 80% of our time on only 3 apps! Only 3 apps! With Facebook being nr.1 by far. Followed by YouTube, all flavors of “Chatter and Social” apps and Games. 65% of people hardly download any apps after buying their device. Those main apps come with the device Out-Of-The-Box. We install apps that come with some specific hardware like GoPro camera’s, health devices, smartwatches and we install apps for Banking, Starbucks and Dunkin-Donuts. In the ComScore report there is no app mentioned that does not run on Windows Phone. Funny detail in the article and the report: no mention on usage of the “phone-app”. Time to get rid  of the Phone-App?

So the general opinion “Windows Phone lacks apps” is not consistent with what we actually DO on our devices. Windows Phone is dead, must be the Conspiracy …. What say you?

Nevertheless, I will bring only my Windows Phone to deliver my presentations and demo’s on Azure Disaster Recovery during our events in Bermuda and Belize next week. Hello iOS, hello Android…. anybody out there?

Happy Apping to you all!