Shortening Product Lifecycles for ICT Products, what should an IT Professional do?

Over the past three decades a lot has happened in the ICT world, I’m not even going to summarize it. But when you’re around for some time you might wonder what to do with the next wave of great technologies coming at us. About 14 years ago I already had that feeling and decided to do Microsoft only. But within that portfolio, wow, far too much to handle.

I realize that if I’m going to throw myself on Server8, Hyper-V3 and System Center 2012, that will only be for a couple of years. If I don’t throw myself at it, I’ll never close the gap again.

I’m gonna be picky though, trying to imagine what life of an ICT Pro will look like when Server8 is old school. Last week I led a workshop for people who train young high potentials, what should the focus on? A lot of Cloud stuff, but that is not specific enough.

Classic IT Pro’s do their Server stuff, networking, storage and the lot. But due to Datacenter Automation tools just one Operator can manage hundred or thousands of servers, so that is not the road to go. To be blunt: Who needs servers, who needs an OS? It’s all about the App and corresponding data. And when that App is somewhere out there we do not even need to deploy it any longer. Bye, bye, decade of deployment.

Current IT Pro’s will do the job in the cloud-transition period, the newbies will never get that experience and they do not need to because it’s only worth something for a short period of time. So what should the newbies focus on? I think there’s a couple of areas where they can create themselves very good positions.

Identity, authentication and authorization Management along with security policies will be booming within the corporate environment. It’s hard for a lot of the current “server huggers” to look beyond their line of duty. They are losing their control.

Application Development, Cloud Apps, probably HTML5 based. No more device or OS specific packages needed, the App runs out there.

Business Intelligence. Over the years we have gathered humongous amounts of data of which about 90% is never being used. We don’t even know that we don’t know what treasures are in there.

And that is where old meets new, Certificate Services, Rights Management Services, Federation Services, App-V and Server App-V, SharePoint, SQL, .NET are some of the Microsoft technologies that both current IT Pro’s and future IT Pro’s will have to master through Certification and hands-on experience.


Microsoft Cloud Certification – So What’s New?

A couple of weeks ago I already blogged about the 2 new Microsoft Exams on Cloud. There’s nothing new about Microsoft introducing new exams and new exam tracks.

And yet, there is something really different going on now. Most of the Microsoft exams are about servers, their installation, configuration and management.

Well “Server Huggers”, I have bad news for you! We’re done with servers, it’s all about Services! Those of you who already took the Office365 (beta) Exams know what I’m talking about.

For the MCT-Community that is going to be tough as well. A lot of my fellow (senior) consultants are still thinking “servers” and are having a hard time in shifting that towards “services”. And as senior consultants are having a hard time in making that shift, imagine what that means for Systems Engineers, the people we train.

So, are you up to it? Are you able to let go of your servers? Because you have to “walk the talk”, don’t you. You cannot preach services while clinging on to your servers. There is loads of stuff out there to train yourself in shifting from servers to services:

–          Office365

–          Windows Intune

–          Azure

–          System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012

–          System Center 2012 as a whole (that is a lot of food….)

If you haven’t begun already you should start right now! I’m talking about your future, no kidding. The other day I attended a seminar at Microsoft about the Microsoft Datacenters. The speaker was very, very clear: the server huggers will be the first people to lose their jobs in the next 3 to 7 years.

Get Ready!

Windows8 and Office365

After 48 hours of playing with Windows8 I found some interesting things when using Office365 Services.


Windows8 comes with a Mail client. For my company Qwise, we have set up Active Directory Federation Services. But when connecting with the Windows8 Mail client, you just put in your mailaddress and your password and your ready to go. Apparantly the redirection to the Federation Server occurs in the background. That’s neat!

And you can have multiple accounts in there as well; I use Office365 for both my workmail as for my private mail. As in Outlook 2010, I can connect to more than one Exchange Server! Cool!

Here’s what the mail client looks like:


When connecting to SharePoint Online you do get redirected from the Portal to your AD FS Server for credentials. But from that point all looks great in Internet Explorer 10 (?).

Here’s a shot of Word WebApp:


The Lync client is a bit less….. it does not run as a Tile, you have to go to the old Desktop for running Lync….. I guess there will be some sort of remake of Lync Mobile that will fit in to Windows8.

Looking forward to more………